BroadcastFlow: Broadcast a Message Across Agents#

Overview 🌐#

BroadcastFlow 🌟, a derivative of BaseFlow, is uniquely designed to orchestrate the simultaneous execution of multiple agents or flows. It excels in distributing a single input message πŸ“¨ across various content processors and then weaving their individual responses into a unified narrative.

Key Concepts πŸ—οΈ#

  • Simultaneous Execution: Unlike its parent BaseFlow which navigates a message through a sequential path, BroadcastFlow adopts a broadcasting approach πŸ“‘, sending the same message to all agents or flows in unison.

  • Aggregated Responses: It skillfully collates the diverse responses πŸ’¬ from each element, presenting a composite output that encapsulates multiple viewpoints.

Initialization 🏁#

The constructor of BroadcastFlow πŸ—οΈ seamlessly integrates with the BaseFlow setup, without adding new parameters:

  • **kwargs: Inherits all the flexible keyword arguments from BaseFlow, ensuring a familiar initialization process.

Methods πŸ› οΈ#


The heartbeat πŸ’“ of BroadcastFlow where the broadcast magic happens:

  • Input: A shared message πŸ”„ sent to every flow or agent within the BroadcastFlow.

  • Output: The responses are ingeniously compiled into a list of strings, typically joined by commas. This method hints at future customization possibilities for response aggregation.

Code Example πŸ’»#

from comma_agents.flows import BroadcastFlow
from comma_agents.agents import BaseAgent

# EchoAgent: A simple agent that echoes received messages
class EchoAgent(BaseAgent):
    def call(self, message):
        return f"Echo: {message}"

# Instantiating EchoAgents
agent1 = EchoAgent(name="Echo1")
agent2 = EchoAgent(name="Echo2")

# Crafting a BroadcastFlow with EchoAgents
broadcast_flow = BroadcastFlow(flows=[agent1, agent2])

# Broadcasting a message to receive collective responses
responses = broadcast_flow.run_flow(message="Hello there")

In this illustrative scenario, responses encapsulates the concatenated echoes from agent1 and agent2, showcasing BroadcastFlowβ€˜s ability to create a harmonized output from multiple inputs. πŸŽΌπŸ—£οΈ